Hans Scharoun an exhibition organised by Peter Blundell Jones, Nasser Golzari and A3 Times
7 February- 11 March 1995 :
Royal Institute of British Architects, London
18 April- 19 May 1995 :
The Matthew Architecture Gallery, Edinburgh
25 September - 13 October 1995 :
University of Brighton

Sunbird Pavilion at International Architecture & Design Showcase (2012)
On behalf of Palestine and in collaboration with Palestinian Embsassy in UK and British Council
18 July 2012
Dreamspace Gallery, London

Human Habitation
International Conference & Exhibition on the Architecture Settlement & Urban Identity of the
Persian Gulf Region organized by IAARA, University of Westminster, Iran Municipalities & Rural Management Organization and International Karashar Parisan Inc
5 - 11 October 2009
School of Architecture & the Built Environment of the University of Westminster